And Easier

Did you know?
That reviews are the most important factor for potential customers when making purchases.
That customer reviews directly and substantially impact sales.
That SNAP Review can increase the sales of your online shopping mall.

Key point

We offer our signature review solution
with a simplified design.
Our solution includes details and features focused
on customer-business communication.
We offer a variety of design templates and advanced technology,
including MD review design and EZ Payment for mileage points.

Different review

It’s not about the number:
reviews become truly meaningful only when they are used with efficiency.
SNAP REVIEW provides widgets
that allow you to utilize the reviews efficiently

Another design

There is a limit to how much an online mall can be customized.
SNAP REVIEW goes beyond the limit with a variety of review templates that reflect customer preference and website design.

There is a limit to how much an online mall can be customized.
SNAP REVIEW goes beyond the limit with a variety of review templates
that reflect customer preference and website design.

Simple review

From writing to viewing and editing,
conventional review forms can be cumbersome for customers.
SNAP REVIEW uses pop-ups for an easier,
simpler way to write.


  • EZ Point Payment
Convenience for customers
But managing the website should be just as easy.
You can easily manage design, features, and mileage points

The path to better business:
Find it here.

All about the solution, Solve with SNAP.



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